Thursday, March 13, 2014

Using LinkedIn to Drive Targeted Traffic to Your Site

There are numerous ways of driving traffic to your website, and LinkedIn is one excellent platform for capturing audiences well targeted to your niche. But to achieve success in LinkedIn marketing, there are rules that you need to follow to avoid getting into the penalty box, and you must also have a good strategy of driving visitors to your website.
Companies have great opportunities to connect in LinkedIn with global members now growing to more than 277 million. There are also more than 3.5 million company profiles in the network. Therefore, the chances are infinite that you will be able to connect with a group of targeted audiences and drive them towards your main company website.

LinkedIn Marketing Tips

Build a Business or Company Page

If you are in LinkedIn for business purposes then one of the first few things that you need to do is to build a good business page. If you are there as a company then create a company page in LinkedIn. This page will let the public identify you as a business or as a brand. This stage is a crucial part since this can greatly affect your reputation.
There are best practices in building an impressive business page. One of them is to add a company logo or a professional banner image for your page. This will help create a lasting impression if your banner image is a good one. Moreover, add your official business url or web address. This will not only redirect your visitors to your main site but this will add more traffic as well.

Connect and Engage with Others

LinkedIn is founded on a social platform that lets users connect and engage with the other members. It’s like Facebook, except that the way people engage and connect with others is a bit different. In any case, get involved in various discussions and interact with others. This can help build your reputation in the network and capture some visitors to your website, as well.
As part of establishing connection, you must get more followers to your profile. Having a lot of fans will give you better traction from your social media marketing. If there are only a few people following you, then you will still hardly attain enough traction despite the network already flocked by millions of prospects around.

Join Groups or Create One

Groups let you connect with like-minded people. Therefore, join a couple of groups that are relevant to your business. Being in a niche-targeted group can help you get in touch with people who may have interests in your business, or in the contents of your site. That is why joining groups should be added to your LinkedIn marketing strategy.

Share Good and Valuable Contents

Just like in Twitter and Facebook, sharing is an essential part of LinkedIn marketing. This can help you connect with your target market. However, not all shared files can let you establish connection. The possibility of your content to go viral notably depends on the quality and uniqueness of your content. Therefore, content still rules in LinkedIn marketing. So choose your content right. Make it engaging enough for the readers to share them also to their friends, thereby making them viral. Sooner or later, people will observe that you are sharing priceless contents and some of them will start following you or establish connection with you.
LinkedIn is just one of the many venues where you can get targeted traffic to your website. But you can only get sufficient traffic if your strategies are effective. You can start with the above tips to get a good head start from your campaign. This is best done along with other marketing campaigns like Twitter marketing, Facebook marketing, and content marketing, among others. You can also buy targeted traffic to your site and implement LinkedIn marketing at the same time.